Premier League: si parte il 12 settembre, che derby nel boxing day – il calendario ufficiale

LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 22: General view inside the stadium prior to the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Liverpool FC at Stamford Bridge on September 22, 2019 in London, United Kingdom. (Photo by Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)

Il campionato più ricco e seguito al mondo, la Premier League, è pronta per tornare a far battere all’impazzata i palpitanti cuori di tutti gli appassionati. La rincorsa al Liverpool, campione d’Inghilterra uscente, avrà inizio il 12 settembre, con la stagione che si concluderà domenica 23 maggio.

Riportiamo il calendario completo dell’edizione 2020/21 della Premier League:

Burnley v Manchester United
Manchester City v Aston Villa

Sabato 12 Settembre
Crystal Palace v Southampton
Fulham v Arsenal
Liverpool v Leeds United
Tottenham v Everton
West Bromwich Albion v Leicester City
West Ham v Newcastle United

Lunedì 14 Settembre
20:00 Brighton v Chelsea
20:00 Sheffield United v Wolverhampton

Sabato 19 Settembre
Arsenal v West Ham
Aston Villa v Sheffield United
Chelsea v Liverpool
Everton v West Bromwich Albion
Leeds United v Fulham
Leicester City v Burnley
Manchester United v Crystal Palace
Newcastle United v Brighton
Southampton v Tottenham
Wolverhampton v Manchester City

Sabato 26 Settembre
Brighton v Manchester United
Burnley v Southampton
Crystal Palace v Everton
Fulham v Aston Villa
Liverpool v Arsenal
Manchester City v Leicester City
Sheffield United v Leeds United
Tottenham v Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea
West Ham v Wolverhampton

Sabato 3 Ottobre
Arsenal v Sheffield United
Aston Villa v Liverpool
Chelsea v Crystal Palace
Everton v Brighton
Leeds United v Manchester City
Leicester City v West Ham
Manchester United v Tottenham
Newcastle United v Burnley
Southampton v West Bromwich Albion
Wolverhampton v Fulham

Sabato 17 Ottobre
Chelsea v Southampton
Crystal Palace v Brighton
Everton v Liverpool
Leeds United v Wolverhampton
Leicester City v Aston Villa
Manchester City v Arsenal
Newcastle United v Manchester United
Sheffield United v Fulham
Tottenham v West Ham
West Bromwich Albion v Burnley

Sabato 24 Ottobre
Arsenal v Leicester City
Aston Villa v Leeds United
Brighton v West Bromwich Albion
Burnley v Tottenham
Fulham v Crystal Palace
Liverpool v Sheffield United
Manchester United v Chelsea
Southampton v Everton
West Ham v Manchester City
Wolverhampton v Newcastle United

Sabato 31 Ottobre
Aston Villa v Southampton
Burnley v Chelsea
Fulham v West Bromwich Albion
Leeds United v Leicester City
Liverpool v West Ham
Manchester United v Arsenal
Newcastle United v Everton
Sheffield United v Manchester City
Tottenham v Brighton
Wolverhampton v Crystal Palace

Sabato 7 Novembre
Arsenal v Aston Villa
Brighton v Burnley
Chelsea v Sheffield United
Crystal Palace v Leeds United
Everton v Manchester United
Leicester City v Wolverhampton
Manchester City v Liverpool
Southampton v Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham
West Ham v Fulham

Sabato 21 Novembre
Aston Villa v Brighton
Burnley v Crystal Palace
Fulham v Everton
Leeds United v Arsenal
Liverpool v Leicester City
Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion
Newcastle United v Chelsea
Sheffield United v West Ham
Tottenham v Manchester City
Wolverhampton v Southampton

Sabato 28 Novembre
Arsenal v Wolverhampton
Brighton v Liverpool
Chelsea v Tottenham
Crystal Palace v Newcastle United
Everton v Leeds United
Leicester City v Fulham
Manchester City v Burnley
Southampton v Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion v Sheffield United
West Ham v Aston Villa

Sabato 5 Dicembre
Aston Villa v Newcastle United
Brighton v Southampton
Burnley v Everton
Chelsea v Leeds United
Liverpool v Wolverhampton
Manchester City v Fulham
Sheffield United v Leicester City
Tottenham v Arsenal
West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace
West Ham v Manchester United

Sabato 12 Dicembre
Arsenal v Burnley
Crystal Palace v Tottenham
Everton v Chelsea
Fulham v Liverpool
Leeds United v West Ham
Leicester City v Brighton
Manchester United v Manchester City
Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion
Southampton v Sheffield United
Wolverhampton v Aston Villa

Martedì 15 Dicembre
19:45 Arsenal v Southampton
19:45 Aston Villa v Burnley
19:45 Fulham v Brighton
19:45 Leeds United v Newcastle United
19:45 Leicester City v Everton
19:45 Sheffield United v Manchester United
19:45 West Ham v Crystal Palace
19:45 Wolverhampton v Chelsea

Mercoledì 16 Dicembre
20:00 Liverpool v Tottenham
20:00 Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion

Sabato 19 Dicembre
Brighton v Sheffield United
Burnley v Wolverhampton
Chelsea v West Ham
Crystal Palace v Liverpool
Everton v Arsenal
Manchester United v Leeds United
Newcastle United v Fulham
Southampton v Manchester City
Tottenham v Leicester City
West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa

Sabato 26 Dicembre
Arsenal v Chelsea
Aston Villa v Crystal Palace
Fulham v Southampton
Leeds United v Burnley
Leicester City v Manchester United
Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion
Manchester City v Newcastle United
Sheffield United v Everton
West Ham v Brighton
Wolverhampton v Tottenham

Lunedì 28 Dicembre
Brighton v Arsenal
Burnley v Sheffield United
Chelsea v Aston Villa
Crystal Palace v Leicester City
Everton v Manchester City
Manchester United v Wolverhampton
Newcastle United v Liverpool
Southampton v West Ham
Tottenham v Fulham
West Bromwich Albion v Leeds United

Sabato 2 Gennaio
Brighton v Wolverhampton
Burnley v Fulham
Chelsea v Manchester City
Crystal Palace v Sheffield United
Everton v West Ham
Manchester United v Aston Villa
Newcastle United v Leicester City
Southampton v Liverpool
Tottenham v Leeds United
West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal

Martedì 12 Gennaio*
19:45 Arsenal v Crystal Palace
19:45 Aston Villa v Tottenham
19:45 Fulham v Manchester United
19:45 Leeds United v Southampton
19:45 Leicester City v Chelsea
19:45 Sheffield United v Newcastle United
19:45 West Ham v West Bromwich Albion
19:45 Wolverhampton v Everton

Mercoledì 13 Gennaio*
20:00 Liverpool v Burnley
20:00 Manchester City v Brighton

*la giornata numero 18, inizialmente in programma fra il 12 ed il 13 gennaio, sarà giocata fra il 12-13 gennaio ed il 20 gennaio 2021 in base alle decisione della trasmissione del broadcaster. 

Sabato 16 Gennaio
Arsenal v Newcastle United
Aston Villa v Everton
Fulham v Chelsea
Leeds United v Brighton
Leicester City v Southampton
Liverpool v Manchester United
Manchester City v Crystal Palace
Sheffield United v Tottenham
West Ham v Burnley
Wolverhampton v West Bromwich Albion 

Martedì 26 Gennaio
19:45 Brighton v Fulham
19:45 Burnley v Aston Villa
19:45 Everton v Leicester City
20:00 Manchester United v Sheffield United
20:00 West Bromwich Albion v Manchester City

Mercoledì 27 Gennaio
19:45 Chelsea v Wolverhampton
19:45 Newcastle United v Leeds United
19:45 Southampton v Arsenal
19:45 Tottenham v Liverpool
20:00 Crystal Palace v West Ham

Sabato 30 Gennaio
Arsenal v Manchester United
Brighton v Tottenham
Chelsea v Burnley
Crystal Palace v Wolverhampton
Everton v Newcastle United
Leicester City v Leeds United
Manchester City v Sheffield United
Southampton v Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion v Fulham
West Ham v Liverpool

Martedì 2 Febbraio
19:45 Aston Villa v West Ham
19:45 Burnley v Manchester City
19:45 Fulham v Leicester City
19:45 Leeds United v Everton
19:45 Sheffield United v West Bromwich Albion
19:45 Wolverhampton v Arsenal
20:00 Manchester United v Southampton

Mercoledì 3 Febbraio
19:45 Newcastle United v Crystal Palace
19:45 Tottenham v Chelsea
20:00 Liverpool v Brighton

Sabato 6 Febbraio
Aston Villa v Arsenal
Burnley v Brighton
Fulham v West Ham
Leeds United v Crystal Palace
Liverpool v Manchester City
Manchester United v Everton
Newcastle United v Southampton
Sheffield United v Chelsea
Tottenham v West Bromwich Albion
Wolverhampton v Leicester City

Sabato 13 Febbraio
Arsenal v Leeds United
Brighton v Aston Villa
Chelsea v Newcastle United
Crystal Palace v Burnley
Everton v Fulham
Leicester City v Liverpool
Manchester City v Tottenham
Southampton v Wolverhampton
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United
West Ham v Sheffield United

Sabato 20 Febbraio
Arsenal v Manchester City
Aston Villa v Leicester City
Brighton v Crystal Palace
Burnley v West Bromwich Albion
Fulham v Sheffield United
Liverpool v Everton
Manchester United v Newcastle United
Southampton v Chelsea
West Ham v Tottenham
Wolverhampton v Leeds United

Sabato 27 Febbraio
Chelsea v Manchester United
Crystal Palace v Fulham
Everton v Southampton
Leeds United v Aston Villa
Leicester City v Arsenal
Manchester City v West Ham
Newcastle United v Wolverhampton
Sheffield United v Liverpool
Tottenham v Burnley
West Bromwich Albion v Brighton

Sabato 6 Marzo
Aston Villa v Wolverhampton
Brighton v Leicester City
Burnley v Arsenal
Chelsea v Everton
Liverpool v Fulham
Manchester City v Manchester United
Sheffield United v Southampton
Tottenham v Crystal Palace
West Bromwich Albion v Newcastle United
West Ham v Leeds United

Sabato 13 Marzo
Arsenal v Tottenham
Crystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion
Everton v Burnley
Fulham v Manchester City
Leeds United v Chelsea
Leicester City v Sheffield United
Manchester United v West Ham
Newcastle United v Aston Villa
Southampton v Brighton
Wolverhampton v Liverpool

Sabato 20 Marzo
Brighton v Newcastle United
Burnley v Leicester City
Crystal Palace v Manchester United
Fulham v Leeds United
Liverpool v Chelsea
Manchester City v Wolverhampton
Sheffield United v Aston Villa
Tottenham v Southampton
West Bromwich Albion v Everton
West Ham v Arsenal

Sabato 3 Aprile
Arsenal v Liverpool
Aston Villa v Fulham
Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion
Everton v Crystal Palace
Leeds United v Sheffield United
Leicester City v Manchester City
Manchester United v Brighton
Newcastle United v Tottenham
Southampton v Burnley
Wolverhampton v West Ham

Sabato 10 Aprile
Brighton v Everton
Burnley v Newcastle United
Crystal Palace v Chelsea
Fulham v Wolverhampton
Liverpool v Aston Villa
Manchester City v Leeds United
Sheffield United v Arsenal
Tottenham v Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion v Southampton
West Ham v Leicester City

Sabato 17 Aprile
Arsenal v Fulham
Aston Villa v Manchester City
Chelsea v Brighton
Everton v Tottenham
Leeds United v Liverpool
Leicester City v West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United v Burnley
Newcastle United v West Ham
Southampton v Crystal Palace
Wolverhampton v Sheffield United

Sabato 24 Aprile
Arsenal v Everton
Aston Villa v West Bromwich Albion
Fulham v Tottenham
Leeds United v Manchester United
Leicester City v Crystal Palace
Liverpool v Newcastle United
Manchester City v Southampton
Sheffield United v Brighton
West Ham v Chelsea
Wolverhampton v Burnley

Sabato 1 Maggio
Brighton v Leeds United
Burnley v West Ham
Chelsea v Fulham
Crystal Palace v Manchester City
Everton v Aston Villa
Manchester United v Liverpool
Newcastle United v Arsenal
Southampton v Leicester City
Tottenham v Sheffield United
West Bromwich Albion v Wolverhampton

Sabato 8 Maggio
Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion
Aston Villa v Manchester United
Fulham v Burnley
Leeds United v Tottenham
Leicester City v Newcastle United
Liverpool v Southampton
Manchester City v Chelsea
Sheffield United v Crystal Palace
West Ham v Everton
Wolverhampton v Brighton

Martedì 11 Maggio
19:45 Brighton v West Ham
19:45 Burnley v Leeds United
19:45 Everton v Sheffield United
20:00 Manchester United v Leicester City
20:00 West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool

Mercoledì 12 Maggio
19:45 Chelsea v Arsenal
19:45 Newcastle United v Manchester City
19:45 Southampton v Fulham
19:45 Tottenham v Wolverhampton
20:00 Crystal Palace v Aston Villa

Sabato 15 Maggio
Brighton v Manchester City
Burnley v Liverpool
Chelsea v Leicester City
Crystal Palace v Arsenal
Everton v Wolverhampton
Manchester United v Fulham
Newcastle United v Sheffield United
Southampton v Leeds United
Tottenham v Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion v West Ham

Domenica 23 Maggio
16:00 Arsenal v Brighton
16:00 Aston Villa v Chelsea
16:00 Fulham v Newcastle United
16:00 Leeds United v West Bromwich Albion
16:00 Leicester City v Tottenham
16:00 Liverpool v Crystal Palace
16:00 Manchester City v Everton
16:00 Sheffield United v Burnley
16:00 West Ham v Southampton
16:00 Wolverhampton v Manchester United