Incubo Coronavirus: negli Usa più di 90 mila morti e 1,5 milioni di positivi

epa08385688 Funeral director Joe Neufeld Jr. helps Omar Rodriguez, not pictured, make preparations for 30 bodies set for cremation to be picked up from the Gerald J. Neufeld Funeral Home by David Penepet, who has been helping area funeral homes overwhelmed by the number of people who have died, in the Elmhurst neighborhood of Queens, New York, USA, 26 April 2020. New York funeral homes have been overwhelmed by the massive increase in the number of dead as a result of the coronavirus and crematoriums in the city are unable to keep up. Penepet, a professor at the funeral services administration program at the State University of New York at Canton, has been taking bodies to crematoriums that are farther outside the city to help. EPA/JUSTIN LANE

Numeri drammatici negli Stati Uniti. A riportarlo è l’ANSA. Il Paese a stelle strisce ha superato la quota dei 90 mila decessi per Coronavirus. 1.5 milioni i casi positivi. A indicarlo è il sito dell’università Johns Hopkins.